Monday, August 3, 2009

Pink Hats....

And happy smiles....

...make a happy Grandma.


Maggie May said...

Aw..... they are lovely!
What smashing children.
Great photos.

Grammy said...

Oh how adorable. The smiles make every thing wonderful. I love the hats.

Nanny said...

Too Cute! Those pink hats and great big smile make me happy too!

I have been meaning to ask. The little flower fairy on your new blog background, is that your Granddaughter? She is very cute!

Mark said...

Very sweet!

Abba's Girl said...

So precious.

Rose said...

Aw, what a cutie! Yes, there's nothing better to put a smile on a grandmother's face:) There's a quote from someone that I can't remember exactly, but it goes something like this..."If I had known how wonderful grandchildren were, I would have had them first." Not exactly true, but grandchildren are our reward for years of raising children:)

Unknown said...

Happy grandma, your 'reasons' for happiness are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Cheryl said...

Made me smile very cute......

Love the pink hats......enjoy

Anonymous said...

So completely sweet just want to kiss those cheeks!


Wendy said...

Thanks everyone.
To Mary - no that little fairy girl is not my granddaughter. It's part of the blog background. I downloaded it from that "cute & cool blogstuff" site (name appears in the upper left corner). The pansies are mine. Time to change them to a more summery flower.

Beverly said...

They are indeed so much fun, aren't they. Ella had a wonderful day. I'm tired.

beckie said...

Wendy, delightful! Aren't grandkids the best medicine in the world? Especially when they smile.

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Your post made me smile, Wendy. Love the hats and those beautiful smiles that light up. There is nothing quite like grandchildren.

Amy said...

Hi, Wendy! I love your shift - or maybe "reshaping" is a better word? - of blog focus. Your upbeat attitude in the face of everything has always inspired me, and your flowers are lovely, as usual. Hope you are well.

amelia said...

I love little grandchildren and to see them happy is all that we can ask!

Wendy said...

Hi everyone - thank you.

Hi Amy, thank you for your compliments. I am doing fine. After all - it's summer. My time of year. Hubby is quite tired these days, but as he is so full of ups and downs, I never know how long each stage will last.
I've made up my mind to live my life to the fullest - as far as I can. Hope things are well with you too.

Hi Amelia - you got that right!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Wendy, Your grands are just precious... I know what a happy Grandma you are. Love the pink hats also...

Love your header picture also.