Sunday, November 1, 2009

Got Leaves?

Yes, do you?

Sure do!

Follow the path....

Around the bend.....

We've got leaves too...

No pushing, Leaves, and no peeking in the Window!

Looks like Rock Garden is buried in leaves....

And leaves are smothering Hedge!

We're full of leaves, thank you!

Hello leaves???

I certainly do..

I don't!


Cloudhands said...

It all looks so familar. You have presented a fun look around. Tommorrow I have to get the blower out and force the leaves to 'leave' the front porch and the growing pile in front of the garage. I know they will blow back and we will do the dance of leaves and woman- with-blower again a few times before it is all said and done.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We got leaves??????? YES--we DO!!!!! We have as many as you do--and there are still some on the trees.

Great pictures. Wendy.. If you will come and rake and blow mine, I'll come and rake and blow yours. Okay?????? (I'd love a trip to Canada!)


amelia said...

We don't have any left on the tree's but because of where and how we live, we don't attempt to clean them up or bag them. People would think we were nuts doing that here so they just go in to next years forest floor!!

Hilary said...

Well that was fun.. especially since I don't have to rakt those. :) Great photos, Wendy, and very cute narrative.

Karin said...

We don't have to do those chores anymore - we live on the 9th floor! I love seeing all the pictures of the gorgeous leaves! Thanks for sharing them!

Jackie said... the title...and the captions! Very clevuh, gurl!
The photographs are great...
We still have all our leaves....still running the air conditioner WIDE OPEN down here...but I enjoy looking at your photos of the spendor of autumn.
Smile from Jackie

Marimoy said...

we have none of that here... although I wish we did. Autumn is my favorite season.

onesilentwinter said...

yes, but surpisingly not as much as i see in these photos!

Unknown said...

Oh wow...that's a LOT of leaves!!! And your posts are so delightful! Lovely photos.

Allie said...

That is a lot of leaves! I think the sound of leaves crunching under foot is my favorite sound.

Cheryl said...

That was such fun do most certainly have leaves.

I love the skeletal frames of the trees against the blue sky.....

An enjoyable post.....

Abba's Girl said...

Beautiful pics...our grass is still bright green and leaves are still on the tree. In a month or so, the leaves will turn from green to brown and fall...

Have a great week.

Mark said...

The fall is beautiful, even be more beautiful if I didn't have to rake.

Beth Niquette said...

I do so love the Fall. We have leaves, too--everywhere and anywhere. The rains will come soon and they will soak into the grounds.

It seems to have happened very quickly this year.

I LOVE your photography--just so beautiful--they fill my eyes...

Beth Niquette said...

I do so love the Fall. We have leaves, too--everywhere and anywhere. The rains will come soon and they will soak into the grounds.

It seems to have happened very quickly this year.

I LOVE your photography--just so beautiful--they fill my eyes...

Rose said...

What a fun post, Wendy! I'm wondering if that new snowblower you bought last year has a leaf-blowing attachment:) I like Betsy's idea--wouldn't a leaf-raking party be fun? Lovely photos!

Shammickite said...

Sigh.... time to get the rake out and start bagging them up! My neighbours have already done most of theirs but I haven't really started yet. Perhaps mine will all blow away if I wait long enough!
Great pictures and story.

Grammy said...

What a beautiful fall walk. I love all the photos. Happy fall.

Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord said...

I love the pictures you take and share here. They always make me feel so good! That potted mum is GORGEOUS!

And the leaves... I love this time of year, but it also makes me sad. Nature gets ready to go to sleep, and in a way, so do we. I think I'll have to hang onto this page and bookmark it so that when the snow flies, the sky is gray and I'm wondering if I can hang on through winter, I can look at these photos and be reminded of just how sweet the next three seasons will be.

Love & joy to you!

onesilentwinter said...

aunty wendy is that brenda's daughter?

Anonymous said...

It seems to be Nature's way of houses to get our attention towards the beauty that always surrounds us.

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Oh, what lovely compost! I get bags of leaves in the Spring from our Live Oaks, and I just used up the last bag on a flower bed. It would be nice to put the garden to bed for the winter with a nice blanket of leaves.

Nanny said...

Hello Wendy! Been a while....

We've got leaves too! My Big Red Maple tree out front turned a flaming red color...then dropped all of it's leaves. I always miss the opportunity to take a picture of it before they drop. Oh well...till next year....

denverdoc said...

15 bags raked so far. The catalpa tree got caught by early frost, so it is full of ugly dead brown leaves that will finally come down some snowy day when they will then become an ugly dead brown sodden ground cover. Beautiful pics; you are quite the photographer at this point!

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