Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have heard from a book publisher!
They want to publish my book!!!

Yippeeeeee - I am over the moon!!!

I started writing Reading Between The Lines about 15 years ago. Put it down, picked it up, life happened, etc. etc. Send it off to a publisher 9 years ago. Got rejected. Sent it off to another one. Got rejected. Gave up. Thought I'd send it off to an agent instead. Might work better. No - did not. Sent it off to another one, two, three. Got rejected again. Gave up.

Over the past year, I'd begun looking at publishers once again.
Well, yesterday, I got the good news! It will take time.
My book will come out in about a year and a half.
But the process has begun!
I am sooooooo happy!!

I started writing articles on palmistry for The Journal of Alternative Therapies, here in Montreal. I wrote some more for Everchanging Magazine in Burlington, Vermont. After a while, I decided to put all these articles together into a book. It did not sound right, so I did a lot of editing, and changing. I grew along with the book.

This is a healing book; a book of my experiences reading people and helping them along their pathway.
Will keep everyone posted.


mxtodis123 said...

Congratulations. I am so happy for you. You must let me know when it comes out because I want a copy. This is really special. You deserve it.

George said...

Congratulations on your book.
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I hope your grandson's birthday was as great as mine.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Wendy.... That goes to show you that you (nor any of us) should ever give up on our dreams. I'm SO happy for you. I will buy that book!!!!!

We're enjoying George's birthday trip.... It's been great. We're going home tomorrow ---so I will have lots of pictures to post...


Hilary said...

Congrats to you. You must be over the moon. :)

Nanny said...

Wonderful news Wendy! Congratulations!

Maggie May said...

That is wonderful news. Congratulations.

Nuts in May

amelia said...

This is wonderful news from someone who didn't even know you were writing a book!!!

I will also buy it for sure!!!

I hope all is well with you and your hubby..

beckie said...

Wendy, Hooray!!! Persistence pays off! I am sure you are in for an exciting time. Lots to do and many people to meet-how thrilling for you.

See, good things happen to nice people. I am so happy for you. :)

Wendy said...

Awww, thanks everyone!

Beverly said...

hooray! Congratulations!!!!

Rose said...

Congratulations, Wendy! How exciting! It just proves that you should never give up on your dreams. I didn't even know that you had written a book. Keep us posted when it comes out!

Shammickite said...

Your book is actually being published... many many Congratulations, that is such an awesome achievement after so many tries and rejections. It just shows, you have to keep on keeping on! I am thrilled for you.

Beverly said...


Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Oh Wendy! I am SO excited for you! Congratulations, and I can't wait to get a copy when they come out! Way to go girl!

WordDoc said...

Wow, now how cool is that! Congrats a million times.

Allie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is so wonderfully exciting! I can't wait to read it!

Deborah said...

OH. My. GOODNESS!!!! How absolutely thrilling, for you and us! To say that I am so happy for you is to minimize my feelings...I am over the moon for you.
Well done, my friend.
**happy smiles** Deb

Anonymous said...

Wendy...CONGRATULATIONS!! This is so wonderful! I'd love to read your book.I'm so happy for you!!

I'm back after my break and catching up on blogposts (no, I haven't posted as yet) and it's an absolute pleasure to read whatever you write. And thank you for all your comments on my posts as well. Will catch up again soon!